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The Vastness Of Hell

The Lord's Revelation To Sister Zipporah Mushala

While in prayer,the Lord Jesus Christ came and took my spirit to Hell. This section the Lord took me to was so huge, wide and deep that I literally looked and felt like a little insect. I could look into the distance and see only as far as my eyes could allow. Yet this was not the whole of Hell but just a section.
Isaiah 5:14 ”Therefore Hell has expanded herself and has opened her mouth beyond measure; Their glory and their multitude and their pomp, And he who is jubilant shall descend into it.”

The Lord made me stand on something up above so that I could see the vastness of this section of the abyss. There was also a huge wind crackling the fire in Hell and this strong wind was hot and filled the whole place so that I continuously felt like this wind would make me fall inside. I kept moving from side to side. It pushed me this side and that side. Only the presence of the Lord kept me still standing. It was forceful. There was also a pulling force such that if not for the Lord, I would have been sucked right into the roaring fire.

Those that fall in this place are pulled in whether they like it or not. It was like magnet that you have no power to fight.

The Lord then made me descend so that we could see the activity in this section. I saw that the walls were black because of the fire. I also saw a woman in what looked like huge round pot (a cauldron). It looked like it was made if stone and it was full of lava boiling like thick porridge. This woman was in this pot and the Lord made me see why she was in this kind of torment.

He brought to my attention that she was wearing trousers, had artificial hair on head, and had on nail polish. She kept disappearing under the lava and up again. When she appeared, she had no body but just bits of flesh and pieces of ripped clothes hanging to her bones. Then she would form again. When I looked at the things that took her to Hell, I was surprised because firstly, the trousers she was wearing was faded due to it being old, her nail polish had even worn off and her wig looked old and worn out.

The Lord is Holy and nothing unholy shall enter His Kingdom. These same things that she clang to on earth, as old as they look landed her in Hell for eternity.


Then the Lord showed me a stage filled with magicians and musicians. I also saw on this stage people who performed at circuses.

Some were clowns, some were magicians and some were writers of magic books. The Lord told me that all magicians and those who get entertained by them are headed to Hell. They call this magic tricks but the Lord said this is evil and not as innocent as they make it seem. He said even anyone reading these magic tricks or trying to perform them is headed to the same place. I also saw those who posed in dressings like ancestral spirits and performed dances at traditional ceremonies (Makishi dancers).

The last time, the Lord showed me Michael Jackson, he was in a cell but this time, he had been moved to this section of Hell. He was on this stage too as well as other musicians from different races and continents and music types.

The stage they were on was filled with different colours of lights and the demons made it like Cinema. They actually sat on chairs in a dark place. They sat to watch and were forcing these people to perform like they used to do on earth. They did not want to do it anymore because they were in torment but the demons would run to the stage and torment them saying ”Entertain us! You can do better that this. This is not how you used to do it on earth!"

The Lord showed me among the musicians, Michael Jackson and as they were forcing him to dance, a huge machine was lowered and it plucked both of his hands off from his shoulders and he started jumping for them. His hands were hanging from this machine and the fingers on the hands kept opening and closing as if they were beckoning him ' get me! get me!' In hell, It is as if your other body parts are still alive even though not connected to the rest of your body. It was such a sorry sight to see his handless body trying to jump for his hands which were hanging up in the air from the machine.

Hell is a real place and that is where you and I are going if we do not live righteously to the end. When we fall, we should always stand up. Remember the story of the prodigal son. Jesus is ever waiting for us with open arms and will never cast anyone away. He loves us and that is why He is warning us about the place Satan wants to deceive you and I into by clinging to the things of this world. Remember to seek the Lord every day in prayer, in worship and in reading the word that we may overcome. Without these, we will not have our armor and will be overcome.


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